The Christmas Tree in the Sumidero Canyon, Chiapas.

The Christmas Tree in the Sumidero Canyon, Chiapas.

Dive into the Christmas magic of Chiapas, where the imposing Sumidero Canyon dresses for the celebration with a unique Christmas Tree. Discover the charming fusion between nature and the festive celebration in this magical corner of Mexico.

The Christmas Tree in the Sumidero Canyon, Chiapas.

Welcome to Chiapas, land of natural and cultural wonders! During the festive season, we embark on a unique adventure to discover the surprising fusion between nature and Christmas. We head to the imposing Sumidero Canyon, a place that comes alive in a magical way.

A Walk through the Sumidero Canyon

Before we dive into the history of the Christmas Tree, let me take you on a brief tour of the Sumidero Canyon. This spectacular canyon, carved by the Grijalva River over millions of years, offers stunning views with its cliffs towering up to 1,000 meters high. The flora and fauna here are equally amazing, with crocodiles, exotic birds, and monkeys greeting us from the shores.

The Christmas Tradition in Chiapas

Chiapas is known for preserving its cultural traditions, and Christmas is no exception. The Christmas season is celebrated with colorful parades, traditional music, and of course, the unique decorations that adorn the iconic places of the region.

The Christmas Tree in the Canyon

The star of our story is the Christmas Tree that adorns the Sumidero Canyon. This is not an ordinary tree, but a tall and majestic pine that stands on one of the highest rocky platforms of the canyon. Decorated with bright lights and festive ornaments, the tree becomes a beacon of joy that stands out against the backdrop of the imposing cliffs.

The Story Behind the Tree

The tradition of placing a Christmas Tree in the Sumidero Canyon has its roots in the deep connection the local inhabitants have with nature. It is believed that the tree symbolizes renewal and hope, as each year, the community gathers to decorate the pine with recycled elements and natural materials. This act symbolizes the commitment to preserving the environment and celebrating the season in a sustainable way.

Visiting the Canyon at Christmas

If you plan to visit Chiapas during the Christmas season, be sure to explore the Sumidero Canyon. You can take a boat tour for a unique view of the Christmas Tree from the waters of the Grijalva River. Also, don't miss the opportunity to participate in local festivities, where you can enjoy music, traditional dances, and the delicious Chiapas cuisine.

The Christmas Tree in the Sumidero Canyon is more than a festive decoration; it is a symbol of the connection between the local community and its natural environment. This unique experience combines the magic of Christmas with the stunning beauty of the Sumidero Canyon, creating unforgettable memories for all visitors.

Chiapas, with its rich cultural heritage and natural wonders, awaits you with open arms to discover the magic of Christmas in a unique and charming way.

Cañón del Sumidero con miradores y Chiapa de Corzo

Compartido por 1 dia

Saliendo desde: San Cristóbal
Grupo máximo: 14 personas
Hora de salidas: 09:00
Embárcate en un emocionante tour por el Cañón del Sumidero, visita la histórica Chiapa de Corzo y disfruta de las vistas panorámicas desde los miradores en este viaje único por Chiapas.


Reserva aquí!!

Galeria de imagenes

El 'Árbol de Navidad' del Cañón del Sumidero, una formación rocosa cubierta de musgo que asemeja un pino gigante.
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Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Arbol de navidad en el Cañón del Sumidero, con el sol iluminando las paredes rocosas.
License | Obtener Imagen
Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado x Chiapas Tours & Travel
Arbol de navidad: con una vista increíble del valle y el río a lo lejos.
License | Obtener Imagen
Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado x Chiapas Tours & Travel
La imponente 'Arbol de navidad' en el Cañón del Sumidero, rodeada de rocas cubiertas de musgo.
License | Obtener Imagen
Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado x Chiapas Tours & Travel
Navegando por el río Grijalva en el Cañón del Sumidero, rodeado del espectacular Arbol de navidad
License | Obtener Imagen
Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado x Chiapas Tours & Travel
Dive into the Christmas magic of Chiapas, where the imposing Sumidero Canyon dresses for the celebration with a unique Christmas Tree. Discover the charming fusion between nature and the festive celebration in this magical corner of Mexico.

Publicado el: 12 de enero de 2025

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