Archaeological Zone Pomona and El Salto Waterfall

Archaeological Zone Pomona and El Salto Waterfall

Archaeological Zone Pomona and El Salto Waterfall offer exciting activities such as kayaking and zip-lining; the opportunity to explore the surroundings from different perspectives will add a touch of adrenaline to your day.

Archaeological Zone Pomona and El Salto Waterfall

Leaving from: Palenque - Ends in: Palenque

Minimum group: 1 person - Maximum group: 10 people

Departure time: 08:30 - Approximate return: 17:00


Join us for a unique experience as we discover the cultural richness and stunning landscapes that this region has to offer.

We will embark on an exciting exploration journey, departing from the city of Palenque at 8:30 am. Our first destination will be the fascinating Archaeological Zone of Pomona, where you will enjoy a detailed visit lasting an hour and a half. This historical site will transport you to ancient times, allowing you to marvel at the cultural and architectural wealth it holds.

After the enriching visit to the archaeological zone, we will head towards the majestic El Salto Waterfall. This natural corner will provide a unique experience with a 4-hour visit. Here, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the crystal-clear waters of the waterfall for a refreshing swim. Additionally, you can indulge in culinary delights at the local restaurant, which offers a variety of options to satisfy your appetite.

For adventure lovers, El Salto Waterfall also offers thrilling activities like kayaking and zip-lining. The opportunity to explore the surroundings from different perspectives will add a touch of adrenaline to your day.

With hearts full of unforgettable memories, we will begin our return to the city of Palenque, anticipating our arrival around 5:00 pm. This unique experience will allow you to appreciate the historical and natural wealth of the region, leaving you with the imprint of a day full of discoveries and adventures.


  • Bring mosquito repellent, water to stay hydrated, and sneakers or closed shoes.
  • For the visit to the waterfall, it is recommended to bring swimwear and a towel.


  •  Entrance fees
  •  Ground transportation
  •  Tour operator (Spanish)
  •  Pick up at your hotel
  •  Transfer to your hotel

Does Not Include

  •  Food and drinks
  •  Accommodation
  •  Airport reception
  •  Airport transfer
  •  Extra expenses
  •  Extra activities

Zona Arqueológica Pomona y Cascada El Salto

Compartido por 8 horas con 30 minutos

Saliendo desde: Palenque
Grupo máximo: 10 personas
Hora de salidas: 08:30
Descubre la belleza de Palenque y sus tesoros arqueológicos en este emocionante viaje. Visita Pomona, explora la majestuosa Cascada El Salto y vive experiencias únicas. ¡Aventura, historia y naturaleza te esperan!


Reserva aquí!!

Galeria de imagenes

¿Qué hacer en la Cascada El Salto?
License | Obtener Imagen
Photographer: Lic. Felipe Mendez Espinoza
Credit: Apasionado x Chiapas Tours & Travel
Cascada El Salto: palenque, chiapas, México, naturaleza, aventura, ecoturismo
License | Obtener Imagen
Photographer: Lic. Felipe Mendez Espinoza
Credit: Apasionado x Chiapas Tours & Travel
Mirador el salto desde palenque Chiapas
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Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Un día perfecto en la Cascada El Salto
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Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Cascada El Salto: El secreto mejor guardado en Palenque, Chiapas
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Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Cascada el salto palenque
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Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Descubriendo el Enigma de las Cascadas el salto
License | Obtener Imagen
Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Un Blog sobre las Cascadas el salto
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Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado x Chiapas Tours & Travel
Zona Arqueológica Pomona desde palenque
Credit: autor desconocido
Archaeological Zone Pomona and El Salto Waterfall offer exciting activities such as kayaking and zip-lining; the opportunity to explore the surroundings from different perspectives will add a touch of adrenaline to your day.

Publicado el: 07 de febrero de 2025

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