Zinacantán is an indigenous town with its traditions and customs.

Zinacantán is an indigenous town with its traditions and customs.

Discover Zinacantán, an indigenous town rich in traditions and customs. Explore its unique culture in our exciting tours!

Zinacantán is an indigenous town with its traditions and customs.

Zinacantán has a rich and ancient history. Before the arrival of the Spaniards, this territory was inhabited by indigenous groups. After the conquest, the indigenous population adapted to new circumstances while preserving their cultural roots.

Culture and Traditions:

  1. Traditional Clothing: Zinacantán is famous for the traditional clothing of its inhabitants. Women wear richly embroidered blouses and skirts with vibrant colors and symbolic motifs that represent their cultural identity.

  2. Handicrafts: The town is known for its handicrafts, especially textiles and embroidery. The textiles are made with great skill and are appreciated both nationally and internationally.

  3. Religious Rituals: The population of Zinacantán is predominantly Catholic, but they also maintain traditional religious practices. Cultural syncretism is evident in their festivities, where pre-Hispanic and Christian elements are combined.


The economy of Zinacantán is based on agriculture, with crops such as corn, beans, and vegetables. Additionally, tourism plays an important role, as visitors are attracted by the rich culture, handicrafts, and natural beauty of the region.

Tourist Attractions:

  1. St. Lawrence Church: This Catholic temple is an important religious site in Zinacantán, known for its festivals and religious events.

  2. Huitepec Hill: Nature lovers can explore Huitepec Hill, a natural reserve that offers hiking trails with stunning views of the surrounding area.

  3. Handicraft Market: The local market is an ideal place to buy handicrafts, textiles, and local products, offering an authentic cultural experience.


The gastronomy of Zinacantán reflects the agricultural richness of the region. Traditional dishes such as tamales, fresh tortillas, chalupas, and drinks like pozol can be enjoyed.

Zinacantán is a cultural treasure in Chiapas that combines history, tradition, and natural beauty. Visiting this place offers travelers a unique experience to immerse themselves in the cultural richness of Mexico and appreciate the authenticity of its inhabitants.

Zinacantán y San Juan Chamula con San Cristobal

Compartido por 1 dia

Saliendo desde: Tuxtla Gutiérrez
Grupo máximo: 14 personas
Hora de salidas: 08:00
Embárcate en un viaje cultural desde Tuxtla Gutiérrez para explorar las ancestrales comunidades de Zinacantán y San Juan Chamula en Chiapas. Descubre sus tradiciones, rituales y la riqueza de su herencia indígena en este emocionante itinerario.


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Galeria de imagenes

Interior de la iglesia en Zinacantan
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Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Niña tejedora en zinacantán
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Photographer: Lic. Felipe Mendez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Trajes tipicos de zinancantan chiapas
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Photographer: Lic. Felipe Mendez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Puesto de ropas típicas en Zinacantan
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Photographer: Lic. Felipe Mendez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Ropa típica en Zinacantan
License | Obtener Imagen
Photographer: Lic. Felipe Mendez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Posh bebida alcoholica en Zinacantan
License | Obtener Imagen
Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
posh bebida tipica de  zinancantan
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Photographer: Lic. Felipe Mendez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Turistas tomando atol en Zinacantan
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Photographer: Lic. Felipe Mendez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Turista visitando las letras de Zinacantan
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Photographer: Lic. Felipe Mendez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Preparando tortillas en Zinacantan
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Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Artesanía en Zinacantan, Chiapas
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Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Visita con el pueblo en Zinacantan por apasionado x chiapas
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Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Mujer tejiendo en Zinacantan, Chiapas
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Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Personas de Zinacantan
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Photographer: Ing. Feliciano Sanchez
Credit: Apasionado X Chiapas
Discover Zinacantán, an indigenous town rich in traditions and customs. Explore its unique culture in our exciting tours!

Publicado el: 14 de enero de 2025

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